Monday, May 4, 2009

The Illusion of Reality

One usual day a man called Wan was walking along his common path to work as was his custom. That day he came alongside another man as he did other days as well, this man is called Cerro. The two men moved along beside one another enjoying the world around them and considering their existence. Wan told Cerro about his theory that something existed outside of their understanding. That this entity intimately altered his actions. Cerro expressed to Wan that such a thing was impossible and that Wan should go to work, get something to eat, exercise, and feast on the vast amounts of knowledge at the local library. So he did, and thought no more of it.

One usual day a spec called One was walking along his common path to work as was his custom. That day he came alongside another spec as he did other days as well, this spec is called Zero. The two specs moved along beside one another enjoying the world around them and considering their existence. One told Zero about his theory that something existed outside of their understanding. That this entity intimately altered his actions. Zero expressed to One that such a thing was impossible and that One should go to the CPU, visit the CR-ROM, run in RAM, and feast on the vast amounts of knowledge at the local HDD. So he did, and thought no more of it.

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