Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Weekend

Friday was my day off so I slept in. I woke up around 11:30 to the news of my good friends inviting Sara and I for a walk and Lunch in Roscoe Village, a very cool part of the city. I was excited about that and threw my clothes on. We ate at a home cookin' style place which is tough to find around here, I had Chicken Fried Steak. The gravy was brown and the breading was thin, not the best chicken fried steak ever but I enjoyed it.

Saturday was 'The Rescue.' Invisible Children is an organization fighting for the freedom of the thousands of abducted children from uganda who have been forced into fighting for the LRA, an anti government force in the region. This has been going on for 23 years. The Rescue is an event designed to grow attention on the subject. In 100 cities around the world people marched the streets and gethered in public to be seen and write letters to senators and officials begging them to inact our government to intervien. The weather was beautiful whe we got there at 2:45, 76 degrees and sunny. By 6:30 it had dropped to 37 degrees and had been rainging for hours with no sign of letting up. We had bnot dressed for this weather and decided it would be unwise for us to contiune freezing, so we went home. Still a good day though.

Sunday, we went to church at Catching Life. It was thier last official service. A few members have said they arew going to stick around. Change is not always a bad thing, I hope this is as painless as possible. Our friends called us to go shopping with them at a local organic fooods store, we went and got a few things. Most of the time I feel like I'm throwing my money awey to buy organic but some of the prices were acctually pretty good. We ate dinner with Sara's friend from class and her husband, the food was good and it was nice to get to know another couple.

Good weekend.

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