Monday, July 13, 2009


I find myself, today, unable to awaken.

Saturday was both a hard and great day. Our good friends moved from one apartment to another. I really like the area that they moved to and I am happy for them. They had about 8 people able to help them move which was marvelous. The weather was great and the day went well. I did not feel like everyone pulled their weight but so is the problem with volunteer labor. I have a tendency to get anxious and therefor frustrated easily with moving days. I have a phobia of being in the way in any situation and, since a moving truck is usually blocking an alley or road, that escalates into a manic desire to work quickly. It is an unhealthy issue I have. They got moved in with no major problems. I found myself on the stairs portion of our assembly line from the truck to the apartment and strained my back. I am feeling better now, but was not worth much Saturday afternoon or evening.

Sara, bless her, was working even though she has been fighting off a sinus infection. She is now drugged up and napping.

Sunday, we helped put up shelves in the new apartment which I was happy to do. It gave us some quality time with our friend and gave me something to do with my afternoon. Plus we got some free Thai food out of the deal, which is always a good thing.

I find myself, today, unable to awaken.

I'm not sure if it is the tired body, the quiet house or lack of focus on which task to handle. I find myself spinning and unable to really get traction on my to do list and I'm not sure how to handle it. I've got some reading I should do but I fear that will put me to sleep. I've got some cleaning I need to do but I don't have the energy or motivation. I've got some research I need to do but I just p[lain don't want to.

I think its time for lunch.

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